General information about Hamburg

Hamburg is in Germany. The IATA code (ID) for this city is HAM. The population of Hamburg is approximately 1 739 000 persons.

Timezone of Hamburg is +1 GMT. Bishkek is 5 hours ahead. Please keep in mind that airplane tickets show the local departure time, so you will have to set your watch prior to your flight.

Cheap flights from Hamburg to other cities

Prices for flights from Hamburg depend on the season, destination, airline, and sales.

Here's a list of the cheapest tickets from Hamburg found by our users over the last 48 hours:

  • Moscow from 14 504
  • Bishkek from 16 080
  • Osh from 16 505

* The final ticket price is valid at the time the search is carried out and is subject to change based on the number of remaining seats on the flight at the given price.

Cheapest flight for from Hamburg found by our users over the last 48 hours: ticket from Hamburg to Moscow with a departure on 01.03.2025 and a price of 14 504 Kyrgyzstani som.
Fastest flight for from Hamburg: ticket from Hamburg to Copenhagen with the nearest departure on 23.02.2025 and a flight duration of 50min..

All flights from Hamburg

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Airports in Hamburg

Hamburg is served by 3 airports: Lubeck Blankensee , Hamburg Airport и Hamburg Finkenwerder Airport